Sunday, 5 December 2010

December Will Be Magic Again

I travelled North this morning, just as the sun rose over the City. It was a mission that no one else desired, to tell the truth. But someone needed to represent the interests of my Order at the Confluence of the Rivers, so I had be chosen. Of course, the true work does not begin until tomorrow morning, and I have had the larger part of the day to prepare myself, and to visit the sights, such as they were.

The journey itself was pleasant enough, and a part of me wished to see the Muddy River Valley again. The last time I had visited that place was shortly before I was we'd, and I was curious to see how much it had changed.

Well, the changes were many. Indeed, it now greatly resembles the City that I call home.yet, there were differences aplenty; enough to make me miss the land of my birth. And my family.