Thursday 22 December 2011

Doctor Who Revisited

I mentioned my daughter joining the ranks of the Doctor Who fandom before. Well, it has been more than a year and a new Doctor (with the requisite new Tardis, new companions, new bad-guys, etc) later, she's still as mad about the whole thing : )

Of course, it helped to have both parents Doctor mad as well.

Having said that, I must point out that it is nigh impossible to find stuff on the Time Lord here in Lyonesse. Go to any assistant in any major/independent video/book shop and ask for Doctor Who, and the answer invariably will be 'Doctor Who who?'. And that's just for the DVDs and books. Other merchandise are always absent.

Which is why this last trip to the Great Southern Land was so satisfying - Doctor Who toys!

Yes, there are now more than 10 sonic screwdrivers (different models with some repeats - both the missus and I wanted the functional screwdriver version) at home. Not to mention 3 die-cast Tardis(es), 2 plush ones, and 1 rolling-along version (that doesn't work very well, unfortunately). And assorted other stuff. He he he.

Of course, the sonics saw some use during the vacation itself. There was the Ghost Tour at Port Arthur, where it got really dark and scary. When the guide started to get to the truly spooky part of the tale, she must have been shocked to see three (yes, me too) sonic screwdrivers whip out of our pockets!

Ha ha ha. That was fun!

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