Wednesday 21 March 2012


Things have gone south.

Apparently, my daughter has not taken my words to heart. Despite talking to her about her sleeping habits and her utter lack of urgency when getting ready for school. She has, for the umpteenth time, dragged her heels this morning so much that she was late.

Which leaves me no recourse but to issue threats and promise harsh and immediate punishment should she fail to comply with my simple instructions of:

1) Getting up when she (a) hears the alarm, (b) gets shaken awake, or (c) gets hauled onto her feet;
2) Eating her breakfast and stuffing her snack-box and water-bottle into her bag in a no fuss, timely fashion (which I have set at a generous 20 minutes); and
3) Getting dressed and leaving the house by 6.45am.

My promised punishments for 1) is a swift whack to the backside, and additional whacks if she proves recalcitrant. For 2), it is setting her alarm (and bedtime) early an additional 5 minutes, thereby leading to a greater potential for violations of 1) and its consequent penalty. Failure to comply to 3) leads to her being late for school, which carries its own attendant punishment from her teachers. Hence, there is no stipulated penalty from me. (Despite my propensity towards physical punishment, I am inclined to the rule of natural justice that precludes being punished more than once for the same offence.)

This will begin with immediate effect.

We'll see how it goes.

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