Monday 21 May 2012

Light Sabres

The daughter's birthday has just passed, and she received several toys from her mother and I. The most significant of these were the Star Wars lightsabers : )

Originally, we had trouble finding anything other than the old Darth Vader one - red and ominous-sounding. But the girl insisted that it was fine, and that any lightsaber, regardless of the colour or how it sounded, would do her nicely. Since it was my wife who was footing the bill (heh heh heh), she went ahead and bought it for our girl. Needless to say, I wasn't all too enamoured with that decision. So I did a little hunting of my own.

After a bit of searching, I found that there was new stock somewhere else. Within the space of a hour, skipping out during a lunch break at my old office at Pulau Brani, I discovered that I could purchase both the Luke and the Anakin ones - green and blue respectively, at another shop close to my office. Honestly, I couldn't decide which of them to purchase at first. So, in the end, I got them both. Then I called the missus to tell her how I intended for the whole thing to turn out....

I went home and hid all three of the lightsabers, and waited for the daughter to hunt down her birthday present when the time came. When she pulled out the Anakin Skywalker one, her eyes went wide and she came running to me, telling me that something was not right. Then she found the Luke Skywalker one and decided that she preferred its green colour. She held on to it tightly, as she went around and searched for the Darth Vader one that she had originally convinced her mother to buy for her. When she found it, she promptly handed it over, telling me that she was keeping the green one.

So I told her that the Vader one will become mine, while the blue Anakin one will become her mother's.

Not that it mattered; she's playing with all three of them every chance she gets : )

Will put up pics of her with the toys soon, I hope.

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