Friday 11 January 2008


Strangely, I am in a rather good mood today.

Strange, because I have a seriously heavy schedule today.

Lagi strange, since the weekend is around the corner and that's even more hectic than work-days.

What can possibly account for my jolly-jolly-happy buzz?

The rapidly-depleting bottle of gummi-bears on my desk? Have to eat them up now that I've exposed them to air. They'll get sticky (and icky) otherwise. Chew, chew, chew. Gulp.

The stockpile of 'back-up rations' chocolate in the second drawer of my desk, conveniently located close to my right hand? Oops, expiry date approaching. Better finish them up and get a new stash. Ah! The dark stuff! Munch, munch. Yum.

Lunch time? Yes, it's approaching. But I'm an adult; I'm entitled to ruin my appetite!

Sugar high? Maybe. But it won't stop me from enjoying it while it lasts.

Joy has a sweet tooth.

Joy is a sweet tooth.

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