Wednesday 5 October 2011

iPad 2 White

I have just purchased an iPad 2 for the daughter.

It was a promise that I made to her, to encourage her to put in more effort with regards to her Mandarin tests. Three full-marks on her weekly assessments would gain her a white iPad 2, I told her. And after a few fumbles (we made the deal in March after all), she finally succeeded. So an iPad I got her.

Now some folk will say that I'm spoiling her rotten. That she's going to grow anti-social by immersing herself into the game-world and ignoring everything else. Doubtless all the tiger-mothers out there will condemn my move as a piss-poor parent.


Imagine her howls when she discovered that there were no game apps included in the machine. Nevertheless, she was happy enough with her new toy, and promptly made a new deal with me:

Full marks at any test/assessment (including spelling tests) will mean I load up one more game for her.

With the year-end assessment tests (I don't like to call them exams this young) coming up, it's no skin off my chin. More pressure on the sprog. Besides, when all the results are tabulated and released to us parents, it will in the midst of the holidays. Time enough for her to play to her heart's content, and get bored with her games when school starts again next year.

To quote Hannibal: I love it when a plan comes together.

Heh heh.

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